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Sterling Holloware: Punch Bowls

Sterling Silver Punch Bowls

Before the sterling silver punch bowl was created, punch was served from bowls that were wooden, ceramic, and porcelain. The world became more interconnected, and wealthy families began requesting punch bowls made of silver and covered in elaborate designs. Paul Revere was commissioned by the Sons of Liberty to design a sterling silver punch bowl engraved with the names of the founding fathers, along with patriotic phrases. He was a skilled silversmith before his famous midnight ride. Here at Nelson & Nelson Antiques, we have a wonderful selection of sterling silver punch bowls to choose from. Stop by our store in New York City, or take a look around our website for that antique that catches your eye.

Sterling Holloware: Punch Bowls (1)

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Gorgeous Museum-Quality Gorham Japonesque Yacht Trophy Bowl 1884

Gorgeous museum-quality Japonesque sterling silver trophy bowl. Made by Gorham in Providence in 1884. Large and round with allover ornament in relief. Horned serpents swim slack-jawed through the water. Talons and heads “puncture” the surface to form side handles. Astride one sits an artist, brush in hand recording the thrashing undulations and roiling waves. At mouth rim are applied strewn shells. Foot in form of entwined snakes.

Modish exoticism a world away from the fresh air and fair... Click for details

Sale Price: $107,250.00
Listed Price $165,000.00