What Causes Sterling Silver Antiques To Tarnish?

If you own sterling silver antiques, you’ve likely encountered the frustrating experience of your treasures transforming from shiny silver to dull and dark. But what causes sterling silver antiques to tarnish, and, more importantly, what can you do about it? Check out this informative post for more insight.

The Science Behind Tarnishing

The primary culprit of tarnishing is a chemical reaction. When sterling silver encounters the air’s sulfur compounds, silver sulfide forms, appearing as black or dark brown tarnish on the metal’s surface. This reaction can occur at varying speeds, depending on the environmental conditions. Tarnishing due to environmental sulfur is slow, but hydrogen sulfide—which is present in the gases in certain foods—can significantly accelerate the process. In particular, garlic, fruit juices, vinegar, ketchup, salt, butter, and broccoli can cause sterling silver antiques to tarnish due to their sulfur content.

Preventing Sterling Silver Antiques From Tarnishing

Thankfully, you can take steps to prevent and mitigate tarnish on your precious sterling silver antiques, preserving their beauty. First, keep your silver away from air and light. Airtight storage solutions can provide long-term protection.

Furthermore, regular gentle cleaning can remove tarnish before it penetrates the metal too deeply. Avoid harsh chemicals and instead opt for specialized cleaning solutions, polishing cloths, or gentle soaps and water.

You should also limit direct sunlight exposure and avoid placing sterling silver directly on surfaces that might have reactive compounds. For instance, avoid keeping it on wood or in contact with rubber bands, as these can accelerate tarnishing.

Controlling indoor air quality by maintaining moderate humidity levels can also help with tarnish prevention. Consider using air filters and dehumidifiers, especially in storage areas.

Caring for Your Sterling Silver Antiques

Beyond these preventive measures, sterling silver antiques can also benefit from meticulous care. Here are a few steps for ongoing maintenance:

Tarnishing on sterling silver is inevitable, but you can slow down the process and ensure that your antiques remain nice with proper care.

As antique enthusiasts, Nelson and Nelson wants you to enjoy the wonderful world of antiquing. We offer gorgeous pieces such as Tiffany silver trays and flatware. Browse our products today.