How Often Your Sterling Silver Antiques Need Polishing

You’ll find many collectors of sterling silver antiques across the globe. Since these gorgeous items are at risk of losing their luster, it’s crucial to care for them properly. If you’re wondering how often your sterling silver antiques need polishing, the answer is not often. Keep reading to find out more.

So, How Often?

Your sterling silver antiques should only need polishing a few times throughout their lifespan. Each time you polish a piece, you’re removing metal. You may want to consider hiring a professional to clean your sterling silver antiques when they need polishing.

Why Antiques Need Polish

The reason you need to polish sterling silver antiques is to remove the tarnish. Since silver is an alloy, the small percentage of sterling silver that’s a different metal causes the tarnish to appear. No sterling silver is 100 percent silver. There are two key contributors that create tarnish: chemical contact and humidity.


The more humidity in the air, the quicker your antiques will tarnish. You can protect your pieces by storing them in moisture-controlled environments, but that’s not possible for every collector.

Chemical Contact

This issue is the presence of chemicals in the environment. These chemicals can be anything from lotion and dry shampoo to brussels sprouts and body oil.

Safely Caring for Sterling Silver Antiques

Always wear cotton gloves when you’re handling sterling silver antiques to avoid transferring your body oil to the pieces, not to mention the other residue you come in contact with. Dust your antiques daily with a soft cloth to avoid dust buildup.

Use mild detergent and warm water if your pieces need a light bath. Never put your sterling silver antiques away wet. Ensure they’re completely dry before putting them back on the shelf or in storage.

Caring for your sterling silver antiques doesn’t require a lot of work. It does require a soft hand and knowledge. Avoid polishing your sterling silver antiques too often, and handle the pieces carefully.

If you’re wondering where to sell silver antiques, Nelson & Nelson Antiques is the place. We’re a renowned antique store. You can visit our storefront in New York City or browse our website.